Our Team

Benjamin Deuling graduated from Montana State University in 2020 with his master's degree in Microbiology, and is the owner and founder of SporeAttic. 



Becca Finch joined our team in early 2021 as our Farm Manager and was SporeAttic's first full time employee. Since Becca started, we've grown the farm to around 3X the production capacity we were at without her. The reality is, Becca runs this farm more than anyone else, and she knows it. 


Seth Carlisle joined our team as The Mushroom Muse back in May 2022 after building our website (for free) as his senior project at Jake Jabs College of Business. Now he's off to other ventures, but sticks around to update our website when we need help. 


Josh and Rachael Hicks, the owners of Three Hearts Farm, have partnered with SporeAttic to provide a space for us to startup this venture. Not only that, but these folks helped build our cultivation facility from scratch on their land! The Hicks family have become incredible teachers, mentors, and friends of ours, and have provided us with this wonderful opportunity to bring gourmet mushrooms to Gallatin Valley.